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Tuesday, July 23, 2019


we begin to find ourselves feeling empty. what is this strange inability to eb and flow that feels like voided vigor. we blink and begin to realize we are going through a valley. we haven't known it the whole time, but the parchment in our veins has made itself known through the realization that the spark has been missing now for some time. maybe it's the right chords and notes at the right time as we continue about our day that wake us to the tides. is that the long lost spirit we had taken for granted when things seemed so normal and easy? a flicker or notice that water is coming snaps into our soul, reminding us - by the very spontaneous joy that comes with the movement - that yes, goodness and love and warmth have spotted us and that we are again moving. this gift comes and is resurrection-thousand of times in a lifetime, a microcosm of the large arch that is the dance of this conscious spirited relationship, yet ever so forgotten many times. Where you are is never forever static. enjoy, wait, remember, keep going. onward.

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