Took my talents to McFarland Park, right on the edge of the Tennessee river for this workout. Jogged from my hotel and at 18 mins started my first interval. Threw in a mixed bag of intervals, with some 5 on 2 offs, 3 on 130 offs, 4 on 2 offs, 230 ons, 1 offs, 2 on 1 offs, and in random order. McFarland Park was occupied mainly from an old golf course, with some light car-type track trails around the fields. It was like running on a grass field country course. Accumlated 36 mins of the work-out, and concluded with almost a mile of cool down. Legs were pretty sleep for the first half of the run, but then they became more responsive and I was starting to be able to open up a little better on the fast parts.
Time: 1.02
miles: 8+
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