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Friday, January 14, 2011

Today I went for a Jog

For any readers out there who don't really know me - my wife and I had a baby Jan. 6th. It's been an amazing experience so far, and we are in love with our daughter. I'd say she's the prettiest and calmest baby I've been around.

I haven't run in a while due to everything that comes with a baby. But I found a break in the afternoon and went for a little jaunt around the neighborhood. Felt pretty slow, but I enjoyed it. The sun was out, and it was just what the Dr. ordered.

Time: 22.06
Distance: < 3
Pace: 8+

1 comment:

  1. Hey man congrats again! If you find yourself needing a partner to do some slower runs with call me....I can't keep up with that fast stuff you did at Thunder Road. It'd be fun to put some slow miles in together though sometime. Hope all is well!
